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Community Roles


At Project Learn, our committee chairs play significant roles in the school leadership. In general, our committees are headed by parent co-opers. In addition to our committee chairs, PLS has other positions is which staff and parents serve as facilitators responsible for managing the continuity between the various committees.


Community Coordinator

The Community Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the cooperative work that is done by community members.  She/he is responsible for managing the maintenance of the physical plant through both external contractors and internal human resources. S/he attends both Administrative Committee (PLAC) and Staff meetings.


Educational Coordinator

The Educational Coordinator is responsible for setting the agenda and running the staff meetings as well as organizing information in a way that the staff can make decisions. S/he presents staff decisions to the community and represents the staff at the Administrative Committee. S/he also acts as the person to help with conflicts or problems that arise between members of the community with regard to educational matters. The Educational Coordinator is licensed by the State of Pennsylvania as the Director of Project Learn and deals with all administrative matters with the State.


Admissions Director

The Admissions Director is responsible for our advertising, the open houses and recruitment strategies. She/he is also the point of contact for prospective families, introducing them to our community and guiding them through the process of joining the school. Regular reports are made by this person to the Administrative, Budget, and Finance committees about the ongoing state of enrollment.


Office Manager

From his/her place at the front desk, our Office Manager is the daily “first contact” for all members of the Project Learn School community and our guests. In addition, this person provides administrative support for committees and staff and handles much of the school communications. S/he is also responsible for collections and financial counseling for enrolled families.


Lead Parent

The Administrative Committee chooses one of its members to be the Lead Parent. The Lead Parent acts as the legal representative of the school as well as the person responsible for setting the agenda and running both the Administrative Committee and the Town Meetings. S/he is responsible for maintaining communication and continuity between staff and parents and works closely with both the staff and the committee chairs to facilitate smooth operations.    



PLS hires an external contractor as both our bookkeeper and our comptroller. This organization manages all our finances and executes business functions. They answer directly to our Treasurer and meet regularly with members of the Budget and Finance committees.


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