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Child Care Programs


Before and After School Child Care is provided on regular school days and also some days when there is no school for students. We aim to provide a safe, nurturing, enriching and enjoyable experience for children.  


Early Open (7:15 to 8:15 am)

Early Open is a limited program in which students relax, eat a breakfast or a snack, or catch-up on homework. Students may use the yard beginning at 8:15 am, weather permitting.


After School (3:15 to 6:00 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, and 1:30 to 6:00 pm on Wednesdays)

The After School program operates on the philosophy that children who are in a structured setting need a loosely structured After School program that enables kids to unwind, explore and pursue their personal interests. We offer a playgroup situation in which materials, ideas, space, and time are the children’s to do with as they please within appropriate limits. 


Activities include indoor and outdoor play, games, arts and crafts, cooking and hobbies. We provide areas for reading and homework. Occasionally, videos may be shown. A nutritious snack is provided daily.


Child Care Days (8:30 am to 3:15 pm, with Early Open 7:15 to 8:30 am and Aftercare 3:15 to 6:00 pm)

All-day child care is available on non-holiday school closings, as identified on the PLS Calendar.  


Child Care Days provide a full program of games, art and crafts, and continuation of After School Clubs. Parents are responsible for providing their child/children with a morning snack and lunch. An afternoon snack will be provided by the program.


6525 Germantown Ave. 
Philadelphia, PA 19119

Phone: 215-438-3623

Fax: 215-991-0310

Copyright 2016 Project Learn School

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