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Community Outreach Programs


Saturday Art

Since 1995, current and former PLS art teachers Joan Fox and Debby Pollak have celebrated their commitment to this neighborhood by donating their time to teach a free monthly art class.  Fondly known as Saturday Art, 30 - 40 neighborhood children fill our community room from 10 am - 12pm. Each month has it's own theme, with two projects and a snack / yard bread in between. Joan and Debby are assisted by 4-6 alumni who come back each month to complete their high school community service.   


Talk and Tots Parent/Child Play Groups

Once a month parents/caregivers and young children (5 and under) are invited into PLS for music, crafts, snacks, stories, and a topical discussions on issues relevant to parenting and early childhood education.


Little Free Library

As part of Opening Group Skills days focused on Books and Libraries, students, staff, and parents designed and decorated a “Take A Book, Leave A Book” library to install at the front of the school as a service and outreach to our neighborhood.

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