Co-op Jobs
Co-op jobs shift from year to year depending on the needs identified by our community. Prior to the start of school year parents fill out a questionnaire in which they identify their preferred jobs and additional skills they are interested in contributing to the school. Our Co-op Coordinator then works hard to match families and distribute jobs accordingly. Co-op jobs can change from year to year. Below is a sampling of such jobs.
Administrative Committee member
Administrative committee meets on the first and second Wednesdays of each month and sets the agenda for the Town Meeting. It is the job of the committee to organize information and ideas in a way that helps the whole community make decisions. Members prepare material, conduct correspondence and organize tasks for the community. They may also serve as either liaison to a committee or act as co-chair of a specific fundraising event. The Administrative Committee is responsible for seeing that all the committees function well and equitably. Members are expected to work with new families to help in their transition to PLS and to provide leadership to the community in a variety of ways.
Co-op Coordinator
The Co-op Coordinator will organize and monitor the Project Learn Co-op Committees. Duties of the Coordinator will include: assisting in the process of signing new parents, especially helping them with their choice of co-op assignment; reviewing committee assignments in the early fall, solving assignment problems and providing an accurate list of all co-op assignments; in November, January and April talking with each committee chair to determine how committees are functioning. It will be the Coordinator's responsibility to work with families to clarify responsibilities, to make necessary reassignments and to assess fines. The Coordinator will provide the Administrative Committee with a report on committee progress after each round of consultation. The Co-op Coordinator will make recommendations in December to the Administrative Committee on possible changes in the co-op structure that might improve the work of the committees.
Maintenance Committee member
The Maintenance Committee members will perform skilled and unskilled maintenance work at the school. Tasks include washing windows, changing storm windows, gardening, yard work, carpentry, painting and plastering. While no particular skill is necessary and unskilled labor is needed and appreciated, members of the community with maintenance skills are encouraged to join this committee. Two members of the committee will work as coordinators. It will be their responsibility to assign work to other members and to see that all supplies needed for maintenance work are provided. Most members of the committee will know their assigned dates by early September. A few members will be asked to accept an on-call status for parts of the school year. One member of the committee will be responsible for the burglar alarm and heater as his/her co-op position. Once work dates have been assigned, it becomes the responsibility of the co-oper to work on that weekend or to make arrangements for another member of the committee in his/her place. It is anticipated that each committee member will work a minimum of 40 hours. Missed work assignments will result in a charge of $150.00 per four hours.
Cleaning Coordinators
The cleaning coordinator will be charged with organizing the cleaning weekends. He/she will see that all cleaning supplies are purchased and organized and will prepare and publish a schedule of cleaning weekends by September 1. This person is also asked to review and edit the written directions given to cleaners and also maintain cleaning equipment and supplies.
In-School Committee member
The In-School Committee members will participate in the day-to-day life of the school, acting as teachers, teachers’ aides and yard-duty people. There are various other In-School assignments that can be arranged with the Educational Coordinators. There is a minimum requirement of two (2) hours each week. Please provide the Education Coordinator with a written proposal when you sign your contract. If this agreement is not fulfilled, or if the needs of the school change, this commitment will be renegotiated.
Finance Committee member
Four members of the community will assist the Finance Committee Chair in contract supervision, payment schedules and other related financial issues. Each committee member will be responsible for a specific number of contracts. This committee meets several times a year to review contracts and payment schedule arrangements.
Development Committee member
The Development Committee creates and carries out a comprehensive development plan for the school. The committee meets at least once a month, with additional meetings as needed to attend to special projects or planning efforts. Some meetings are in person; many are conducted via conference call. Each committee member will serve as project manager for at least one portion of the development plan, and will take on tasks to assist other committee members in completing their projects. As a project manager, the committee member will determine what resources are needed, and will schedule and plan appropriately for carrying out the project. The project manager will report regularly to the committee about progress, and will lead a conversation about any lessons learned at the project's completion.
Solicitor for the School
The Solicitor for the School will counsel the Administrative Committee. S/he will review all contracts, all insurance agreements, claims, obligation not to discriminate, obligation to accommodate, grants, benefits, and be available to work with the committees concerning legal implications of various problems. The Solicitor should have malpractice insurance.